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Center for Development of Human Services
SUNY Buffalo State
The Center for Health and Social Research
Institute for Community Health Promotion
SUNY Buffalo State
William F. Wieczorek, Ph.D., CRA
Director, Center for Health and Social Research
& Professor, Dept. of Geography and Planning
phone: (716) 878-6137
fax: (716) 878-5905
Background and Job Description
Dr. William F. Wieczorek is the
Director of the Center for Health and Social Research as well as a
Professor of Geography and Planning. Dr. Wieczorek is a native of
Western New York who received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from
the University at Buffalo. Prior to coming to Buffalo State in 1997, he was
a senior research scientist at the Research Institute on Addictions. Dr.
Wieczorek’s research interests include the epidemiology of substance
abuse, prevention of drunk driving, evaluation of educational programs,
community health needs assessments, advanced GIS applications, spatial
models, and applied social/health research. His teaching interests
include the epidemiology of alcohol use, applied geography, physical
geography, and medical geography.
Committees and Additional Affiliations:
Research Professor, Department
of Social and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health and Health-Related Sciences, University at Buffalo
Visiting Professor and Co-Director, Institute of Behavioral Medicine, Dalian Medical University (1999-2009)
Member and Alternate Chair, Institutional Review Board, Buffalo State College
Faculty Member, Masters of Public Health program at the University of Buffalo
Affiliate, Department of Geography, University at Buffalo
Scientist, Research Institute on Addictions
NIH Grant Reviewer & Chair (2012-2014), Behavioral Genetics and Epidemiology Study Section (formerly SNEM-2)
NIAAA Center Grant and SBIR Reviewer
Editorial Board Member for Journal of Studies on Alcohol
CDC Grant Reviewer
NIH/NIAAA Grant Reviewer, Epidemiology, Prevention & Behavior Research Review Subcommittee (AA-2) of the NIAAA Initial Review Group
Recent Honors and Awards:
Who's Who in Medicine and Health Care, 2000-present
President's Award for Excellence in Research, Creativity, and Scholarship, Buffalo State College, 2001
International Who's Who of Professionals, 2001-present
Who's Who in America, 2002
Chancellor's Award Honoring Research and Scholarship in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 2002
State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship, 2005
Special Honoree of WNY United Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2006
2007 Citizen of the year in Health and Medicine from Am-Pol Eagle, 2008
Certified Research Administrator (CRA, Research Administrators Certification Council, 2009-2014)
Selected Publications:
Wieczorek, W.F. & Hanson, C.E. (1997). New modeling methods: Geographic information systems and spatial analysis. Alcohol Health and Research World, 21(4), 331-339. PMID: 15706745
Wieczorek, W.F. (2000). Using geographic information systems for small area analysis. In Wilson, R.E. & Dufour, M.C. (Eds.) The Epidemiology of Alcohol Problems in Small Geographic Areas, 137-162, NIH National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Bethesda. (NIH Pub. No. 00-4357)
Hanson, C.E., & Wieczorek, W.F. (2002). Alcohol mortality: A comparison of spatial clustering methods. Social Science and Medicine, 55(5), 791-802. PMID: 12190271
Zhang, J., Wieczorek, W.F., Chao, J., Zhou, L., Jia, S., Sun, Y., Jin, S., & Conwell, Y. (2002). Studying suicide with psychological autopsy: social and cultural feasibilities of the methodology in China. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 32(4), 370-379. PMID: 12501962
Welte, J.W., Barnes, G.M., Wieczorek, W.F., & Tidwell, M. (2004). Simultaneous drinking and gambling: a risk factor for pathological gambling. Substance Abuse and Misuse, 39(9), 1405-1422. PMID: 15462237
Welte, J.W., Barnes, G.M., Wieczorek, W.F., & Tidwell, M. (2004). Gambling participation and pathology in the U.S. – A sociodemographic analysis using classification trees. Addictive Behaviors, 29(5), 983-990. PMID: 15219346
Wieczorek, W.F. & Nochajski, T.H. (2004). Multiple Treatment experiences as a predictor of continued drinking-driving. In Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety – T2004, Glasgow, Scotland.
Wieczorek, W.F. & Nochajski, T.H. (2005). Characteristics of persistent drinking drivers: Comparisons of first, second, and multiple offenders. In Henessy, D.A. & Wiesnthal, D.L. (Eds), Contemporary Issues in Traffic Research and Road User Safety, 149-163, Nova Science: Happague, NY.
Lipton, R.I., Gorman, D., Wieczorek, W.F., Gruenewald, P.J., & Banerjee, A. (2007). Geography and public health. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology I-V, Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing
Wieczorek, W.F., Said, Y.H., & Wegman, E.J. (2008). Spatial and computational models of alcohol use and problems. In Brito, P. (ed.), COMPSTAT 2008, 191-202, Physica-Verlag: Heidelberg, Germany.
Wieczorek, W.F. & Delmerico, A.M. (2009). Geographic information systems. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics., 1(2), 167-186. PMC2921721
Zhang, L., Welte, J.W., Wieczorek, W.F., Colder, C., & Nochajski, T.H. (2010). Delinquency and alcohol-impaired driving among young males: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice, 8(4), 439-445. NIHMS ID: 200603
Cohen, A., Chapman, B.P., Gilman, S.E., Delmerico, A.M., Wieczorek, W.F., Duberstein, P.R., & Lyness, J.M. (2010). Social inequalities in the occurrence of suicidal ideation among older primary care patients. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18(12), 1146-1154. PMID: 20808098
Zhang, J., Wieczorek, W.F., Conwell, Y., Tu, X. M., Wu, B.W-Y., Xiao, S. & Jia, C. (2010) Characteristics of young rural Chinese suicides: A psychological autopsy study. Psychological Medicine. 40, 581-589. PMID: PMC2996472
Zhang, J., Wieczorek, W.F., Conwell, Y. & Tu, X.M. (2011) Psychological strains and youth suicide in rural China. Social Science & Medicine, 72 (12), 2003-2010,DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.03.048.
Trucco, E.M., Colder, C.R., & Wieczorek, W.F (2011) Vulnerability to peer influence: A moderated mediation study of early adolescent alcohol use initiation. Addictive Behaviors. 36, 729–736. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.02.008
Trucco, E.M., Colder, C.R., Bowker, J.C. & Wieczorek, W.F. (2011). Interpersonal goals and susceptibility to peer influence: Risk factors for intentions to initiate substance use during early adolescence. Journal of Early Adolscence. 31(4), 526–547. DOI: 10.1177/0272431610366252
Hartinger-Saunders R.M., Rittner B., Wieczorek, W.F., Nochajski T., Rine C.M., & Welte J. (in press) Victimization, Psychological Distress And Subsequent Offending Among Youth, Children and Youth Services Review, doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.08.009
Zhang, L.,Wieczorek W.F. & Welte, J.W. (in press) Early onset of delinquency and the trajectory of alcohol-impaired driving among young males, Addictive Behaviors, doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.07.012
Wieczorek, W.F. & Delmerico, A.M. (in press) Clusters in irregular areas and lattices. Wiley InterdisciplinaryReviews: Computational Statistics.