Erie County Risk Indicator Database

By the Learning, Engagement, and Development Services office

With support from the Erie County Department of Mental Health under LEADS

Welcome to the Erie County Risk Indicator Database. The navigation bar above contains links to useful documentation that will help you use this web site.

The Erie County Risk Indicator Database (RIDB) is a compiled set of validated, small area risk indicators that have associations with healthy youth development, improved youth outcomes and reduced problem behaviors. The selected risk indicators contained in this database encompass many of the categories defined in the Hawkins and Catalano risk and protective factor program “Communities That Care”. The selected risk indicator database subset provides detailed population, social, economic, crime, health, and school information.

The indicator database has three main purposes:

  1. To assist in needs assessment for the planning and geographic targeting of services
  2. To provide detailed information to service providers, which allows programs to be tailored to local needs
  3. To serve as a resource for the development of funding applications

This portal provides access to an interactive web mapping interface that marries the risk indicator data to prevention program locations delivered by member agencies of Px21, the coordinating council of prevention providers in Erie County, NY. Additionally, there are numerous analytical reports and other resources available through this portal.