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Mission Statement
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Funding Sources
Scholarship Support
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Center for Development of Human Services
SUNY Buffalo State
The Center for Health and Social Research
Institute for Community Health Promotion
SUNY Buffalo State
Scholarship Support Program
The mission of the Scholarship Support Program (SSP) is to provide high-level conceptual
and technical support for Buffalo State faculty and staff members engaging in scholarly
activities. The SSP at the Center for Health and Social Research was initiated as a
direct result of the Buffalo State strategic planning process, which identified the need
to coordinate and integrate research opportunities throughout the campus.
Buffalo State has made a commitment to having scholars in the classroom and to strengthening
the professional development of faculty and staff. The SSP is designed to enhance creative
and scholarly opportunities by offering broad conceptual and technical services in support of
the entire spectrum of scholarly activities. The goal of the SSP is to increase the scholarly
output of the faculty in such areas as conference papers, presentations, program evaluations,
refereed articles, book chapters, project reports, and grant and contract applications.
The Center for Health and Social Research was selected to provide these services because it
has a strong track record of successful scholarly activity and has the expertise on staff
to support a broad range of conceptual and technical services. In addition, the SSP will
utilize on- and off-campus consultants when a project requires specialized expertise.
Scholarly ideas on any topic are appropriate for SSP services.
Scope of Services Provided
Conceptualization of Scholarly Ideas
- Encouragement for development of concepts
- Feedback on your ideas
- Guidance on expanding an idea into a paper or project
Project Design using Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology
- Protocol development
- Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed designs
- Human subjects' issues
- Selection of data types
- Sampling issues
Questionnaire Development
- Selection of measures
- Selection of questionnaire type
- Administration issues
- Drafts and edits of questionnaires
Development of Program Evaluations
- Client expectations
- Relevant measures of program impact
- Evaluation for funded projects
Data Management
- Database design
- Assessment of data quality
- Selection of software for implementation
Statistical Design
- Statistical power consultation
- Selection of statistical techniques
Data Analysis
- Consultation on analytical approaches
- Utilization of standard packages (e.g., SPSS, SAS)
- Implementation of analysis
SSP Integration with the Research Foundation
The SSP and the
Research Foundation of SUNY at Buffalo State (RF) operate in close
collaboration. SSP staff will refer faculty to the RF for Pre-Award services
such as the identification of appropriate funding opportunities and sources, inquiries
directed at sponsors, budget development, and grant/contract submissions. The RF is
the official office designated for the submission of all Buffalo State proposals to
outside funding sources, in addition to providing federally-mandated education, review,
and oversight of all research involving human subjects or animal experiments. The
RF Pre-Award office will refer faculty in need of conceptual and technical services
to the SSP. To obtain RF Pre-Award services, please contact Carol Darstein, J.D.,
Coordinator of Pre-Award Office at 716-878-3047 or
Obtaining SSP Services
First, review the powerpoint presentation
Making the Most of Your Faculty/Staff Scholarship Support Program Experience which details information
about what to expect from the SSP process and how, as a client, to get the most out of this interaction.
Next, and most importantly, complete and submit the
SSP Information Form which provides the CHSR Staff with critical information about your project. Once completed,
this fillable PDF form can be printed and brought with you when you meet with CHSR Staff.
Finally, once you have completed and/or submitted the SSP Intake form, contact the Center for Health and Social Research
at 716-878-6137 and request a meeting. Faculty members with concepts and ideas at any stage of development
are encouraged to make an inquiry. Contacting the SSP at the earliest stages of project development is especially important.
The Scholarship Support Program (SSP) is made available through the support of the
Office of Graduate Studies and Research, Academic Affairs, and the Research Foundation
of SUNY Buffalo State.
The SSP staff, including Dr. William Wieczorek, Director of the Center for Health and
Social Research, will work directly with faculty members on an individual basis to
develop a service plan to achieve a specific goal, such as a paper, article, survey, or
the scientific/technical/evaluation portion of a grant or contract application. No idea
is too big or too small to bring to the SSP. (Feel free to download
and print out this information.)